
Understanding Branding, Rebranding, And Brand Consultant

- May 08, 2018
Understanding Branding, Rebranding, And Brand Consultant

What is Branding, Rebranding and Brand Consultan?
Sebalum we discuss about what is branding, it's good we need to know in advance how the branding is created or the history of branding. The word Branding comes from Brand and if we interpret it into Indonesian you are the Brand.

However, the two words or the use of Brand and Branding itself is different. As we discussed above, Brand means brand. While branding is one of the communication activities undertaken by a company to build and raise a brand or brand.

Generally, many of them are branded and branding the same, but it is not. But, if you look at the two words above have a very close relationship. For more details, please refer to the following reviews.

# What Is a Branding

Branding is a communication effort made in such a way and has been planned by a company, with the aim to make a brand "product" more famous. However, according to one expert in the field of economics, Branding is not a brand nor a trade name of a product or service. But it also covers all aspects of a brand such as: name, logo, visual characteristics, character, credibility, and perceptions and assumptions that exist in the company's consumers.

Different again according to Wikipedia, According to Wikipedia Branding is the process of creation and a certain trace of the sale minds consumers through various ways that can give impact to the life of the consumer.

Well that's a little explanation about branding. However, if this discussion alone, I think is incomplete. Therefore, we will continue with the discussion with the purpose of Branding and types of branding.

#Branding Goals

One of the goals of branding is to instill an image to the public even to consumers that a company has a product that they sell. So with the trademark is expected they will always be remembered by the community or consumers with a long period of time.

In building a Brand there are also three goals, namely: Forming Perception, Build Trust, and Build Love of the brand. In addition, there are some major points that become the function of branding, here is a branding function of a product.

  1. Become a differentiator
  2. Being Attractive
  3. Building Image
  4. Building Confidence
  5. Quality Assurance as well as
  6. As a Market Controller

Well, that's one purpose and function of a branding. Actually, there are many more that can be explained but above are some of the main core of the purpose of branding.

# Branding Types

Branding also has several types, which are certainly different but related. For more details, please refer to the following types of branding.

1. Product Branding

Branding products or a brand is one of the most common things in branding. Product Branding is a product that can encourage consumers to be able to choose the products we offer compared to our competitors' products.

2. Personal Branding

Personal Branding Is a marketing tool that is very popular among public figures such as musicians, celebrities, and politicians. So the product or brand they offer can be a special attraction for the community.

3. Corporate Branding

Corportare branding is very important in a business, because it can build and develop a company's reputation, from products or services offered to the contribution of their employees to the community.

4. Geographic Branding

Geographic branding is to bring a picture of a product or service offered to a location, or local location.

5. Cultural Branding

This type of branding aims to develop the ruputation of an environment and people from a particular location or nationality.

#Rewending Understanding

Rebranding is a combination of the word "re" which means back and "branding" which means the process of creating a brand that connects between the company and its customers. So what is meant by Rebranding is an effort or effort made by a company or institution to change the whole or renew an existing brand "brand" to be better and not ignore the initial goals of the company.

Rebranding is synonymous with changes in the logo and the emblem of a brand. In other words, by doing rebranding, then the change is the value of a brand itself.

# Understanding Brand Consultan

Brand Consultant is a service or service offered by a company to build and develop a brand from a branding owned by another company. Biasany, in this brand consultant that happens is to find a new idea to create a brand of a company, or process of consultation on existing brands in order to become better and more well known by the public.

Well, that's a little explanation about Branding, Rebranding, Brand Consultant and Purpose sert the types of branding. Hopefully with this article can help and add our insight all in learning the science of business or marketing. If anything is unclear, please ask the comment column below. Do not forget to share this article so that others can also be memahai from the term branding. ☺


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