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Village Business |
In running an online business one of the requirements that you must meet is a device to run the business. The tool can be, Laptop, Computer and even Smartphone connected to the internet. Well, if the device you have fulfilled, then you can easily run the business onilne. However, in addition to the devices that you must meet, you must also have basic knowledge of online marketing in order to easily get potential customers.
#Example Of Online Business That Can Be Done From The Village
So, do not be surprised if there are many people from the village who run various online businesses and when viewed, 60% of people run more online business from rural areas or villages. Well, for anyone who has been curious how the hell the villagers can get tens of millions of his online business. Here are 5 examples of online business that can be done from the village, and has been proven to produce.
# 1. Being a Bloggers Village Child Version
Well, the example of online business that can be worked from the village even from anywhere is to become Blogger. With a work as a blogger you can easily advance your village via the internet. Even you have a chance to earn far greater than employees who work in the office. By becoming a blogger, you can write various content about your environment, for example is, tips to plant rice, or the like.
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In addition, you can also create different types of content according to your ability or knowledge. One way to make your content easy is by writing about your favorite hobby. Suppose you like fishing, then you can create content about how to fishing a good and so forth. Please develop your own according to what you want to make.
Well, then with the various content on your blog, you can also easily memonetesi blog with ad network. One ad network that people are interested in is Google Adsense that has been proven to earn a lot of money with a serious effort.
# 2. Online Selling Kids Village Version (Village Marketer)
Online selling ala kampungMarketer also not much different from Being Blogger (Ala Kampung Blogger). But, if a blogger only focuses on ad networks such as PPC, PPD or Affiliate while the village-style marketer focuses on online sales of various products. Selling online is also one of the most promising Business Opportunities. Selling online also do not have to have their own products, because we can also join with various Dropshiping or become a reseller of other people's products.
The way it works is the same, we just focus on online promotion on various Social media, like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Here we act as a seller and can get buyers for the products we sell can sell well.
# 3. Selling Various Crops In Villages Online (Via Internet)
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It would be nice now also is the digital era, all the marketing has been done via the internet and a great opportunity to get a lot of buyers. Here you can easily sell various crops from the village only with capitalize internet connection and means of promotion through social media.
# 4. Selling Different Types Of Services Online
- Photo Editing Services (Vector, Vexel etc)
- Graphic Design Services
- Blog Optimization Services
- Article Writing Services
- Online Shop Making Services
- Website Design Services and so forth ..
Well, the above are some types of services that are sold on the internet and also enthusiasts from some of the above services are also very much. Now it's your turn to open the services in accordance with your expertise.
# 5. Become a Great Youtubers Despite Living in the Countryside
If you have the mentality of appearing in front of the camera, then I suggest you become a youtube artist or as youtubers. You can easily create different types of videos and create different types of video documentation in the neighborhood where you live, then upload them to youtube. If you upload a good video, then your video is a great opportunity to be watched by all users of youtube.
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Well, if we have a lot of videos in watching people, then as in the first point, we can monetize the video with Google Adsense ad network or MCN (Multi Channel Network) and can make a lot of money.
In addition, if you are already famous on youtube, then you can also open the services of various product review people and every video review you will be paid, and so forth.
That's 5 Examples of Online Business From Village That Can Make Much Money, hopefully with this article can help you all in looking for examples of online business or find business opportunities for yourself. Do not forget to continue to visit ENQUER Business, because there will be many articles about Business Tips that we will discuss next. Thank you ! 😉